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《break in to break out》lyn mp3歌曲下载
分享时间:2024-11-16 09:45:33该歌曲由 网友[未语人先羞っ]提供分享
break in to break out歌词:
作曲 : 目黒将司
You're striking me down 你正要用小把戏和谎言
With games and lies 将我击倒
I trusted you but I found 我曾对你推心置腹
Your only true friend is your desire 但现在我才看清——
For playin' round 你只是为了一己私利而肆意妄为
You're out of your mind 你早已丧失心智
You've lost control 你早已陷入癫狂
l'm gonna take back what's mine 我要夺回那些曾属于我的一切
You ne'er had my soul 你永远不会拥有我的灵魂
This time you have really stepped across the line 这次你真的触碰到我的底线了
Thieves in the palace / Full of tales and lies 化身成怪盗潜入那充斥着流言蜚语的殿堂
We got a stake in / Comin' out 将你们犯下的一切罪行捆在火刑桩上焚烧殆尽
Expose the malice / That you chose to hide 将你们选择隐藏起来的恶意统统大白于天下
lt's just a break in / To break out 我们只是为了让这一切爆发而突然闯入罢了
Breakin' in so we can break out 破门而入吧,我们便能让好戏开演
Breakin' in so we can break out 破门而入吧,我们便能将敌人击溃
Breakin' in so we can break out 破门而入吧,我们便能让罪恶终结
Breakin' out! 动手吧!——
... …
Why should I believe “既然我能依靠
In anyone 欺诈与行窃过活,
When I could just trick and thieve 又怎么会需要去信任他人?”
Life's likely to have one up its sleeve 生活迫使着一些人选择了阴谋诡计
The game is on 游戏便这样开始了
We're playing the odds 我们将放手一搏,
That's how it's done 并赢得最终的胜利
Pretending to act like gods 虽有着如神灵般的能力
Who steal just for fun 但偷心又岂是为了好玩而已
Who cares if it means we're living on the run 而谁又会去关心我们于此奔波的意义
Thieves in the palace / Full of mirrors' deceit 怪盗漫步于殿堂的迷影幻镜中
We've had to break' em / To get out 现在唯有将其彻底攻陷,方能绝处逢生
Phantoms of madness / Snapping at your feet 狂乱的幻影在你的身后紧追不舍
We've had to break in / To break out 我们必须击碎所有阻碍,将这一切终结
... …
Would that I might “若是在某一段
Be honest 与此不同的人生中,
And gentler 我或许会变得
In some other life 诚实而更为温和”
Cause this one has been “因为如今的生活
A hard mentor 待我太过残酷”
Can't forget “无法忘记我
What l've done 做过的那些事情”
Can't forget “也无法释怀
Why 那样做的原因”
Hoping l “但愿我
Got it all right 能在这场战斗中
In this fight 存活”
Thieves in the palace / To steal your golden crown 闯入殿堂的怪盗,正准备收下你扭曲的欲望
lt's just a break in / To break out 我们便是为此而突然闯入
The cry that rallies / The weak and broken down 凭着这声呐喊,让我们心灵中的脆弱之处变得坚强
The pain and anger / Let it out! 将心中无法压抑的怒火与苦楚统统释放吧!
Breakin' in so we can break out 破门而入吧,我们便能让那些大人自食恶果
Breakin' in so we can break out 破门而入吧,我们便能为被欺凌者带来正义
Breakin' in so we can break out 破门而入吧,我们便能打破人们心中的枷锁
Breakin' out! 将罪恶终结吧!
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